Site search / Site map
Site map:
- Home
- Impact of brain injury per brain area
- Left hemisphere
- Right hemisphere
- Amygdala
- Aqueduct of Sylvius
- Basal ganglia
- Blood Vessels
- Brainstem
- Brodmann areas
- Capsula interna
- Caudate nucleus
- Cerebellum / 'little brain'
- Cingulate Gyrus
- Corpus callosum - brainbar
- Cortex cerebri
- Cortex Orbitofrontalis
- Diffuse injury
- Focal Injury
- Fornix
- Frontal lobes
- Globus pallidus
- Hippocampus
- Hypothalamus
- Insula
- Lenticular nucleus
- Limbic system
- Medulla Oblongata
- Mesencephalon / midbrain
- Occipital lobes
- Parietal lobes
- Pineal gland-epiphysis
- Pituitary gland
- Pons
- Putamen
- Striatum
- Substantia nigra
- Subthalamic nucleus
- Temporal lobes
- Thalamus
- Ventricles
- White Matter Abnormalities - WMA
- For whom / Site Map
- Types of brain injury - brain disorders
- General information on causes
- Traumatic Brain Injury -TBI
- Stroke - CVA
- Recognize signs of stroke
- Cerebral hemorrhage /Hemorrhagic Stroke
- Cerebral Infarction
- ADA2 Deficiency DADA2
- APS - Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome
- Avellis Syndrome
- Dissection with infarction
- Factor V Leiden
- Lacunar stroke
- Locked in syndrome LIS
- Moya Moya disease
- Small Vessel Disease
- Sinus trombosis in brain vessel
- Syndrome of Avellis
- Syndrome of Benedict
- Syndrome of Déjerine-Roussy
- Syndrome of Millard-Gubler
- Syndrome of Parinaud
- Syndrome of Sneddon
- Syndrome of Weber
- Ventral Pontine Syndrome
- Wallenberg Syndrome
- Watershed Infarction
- Atypical CVA complaints
- Dissection
- Sinus thrombosis
- TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
- Left-sided hemiparesis
- Right-sided hemiparesis
- Brain tumor, cancer
- Brain injury due to oxygen deficiency
- Brain Injury caused by infection
- Brain Injury by degenerative diseases
- Locked-in Syndrome
- Intoxication
- Brain Injury by drugs or alcohol
- Brain Injury by medication
- Encephalopathy
- Metabolic Diseases
- From birth or childhood
- More brain disorders
- Consequences
- Cognitive problems
- Attention and concentration
- Anosognosia
- Brain fog
- Cognitive overstimulation
- Communication difficulty
- Delayed information processing
- Delirium
- Disharmonic intelligence profile
- Disorder in executive functioning
- Dyscalculia
- Knowing that and knowing how
- Lack of overview and structure
- Language and Speech problems
- Memory problems
- Memory
- Navigation problems
- Orientation problems
- Perseveration
- Problems getting started in the morning
- Social Cognition
- Time perception disorder
- Unable to multitask
- Emotions Behaviour Relations
- Aggression
- Anger / Irritability
- Apathy - lack of initiative
- Boundaries
- CCAS - Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome
- Crying and PBA
- Depression
- Emotional Overstimulation
- Emotions and behavioural changes
- Frontal syndrome
- Grief
- Lack of empathy
- Neuropsychiatric consequences
- Perseveration
- Pseudobulbar affect (PBA)
- Reduced stress resistance
- Physical consequences
- Acromegaly
- Agnosia
- Apraxia
- Ataxia
- Balance-proprioception
- Cerebral edema - high brain pressure
- Coma
- Crying and PBA
- Dysautonomia / POTS
- Dysphagia - Swallowing disorder
- Dystonia
- Epilepsy
- Frozen shoulder
- Gnostic Sensitivity - Sense of Touch
- Headache
- Hemiparesis
- Hormonal changes
- Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension
- Incontinence of the bladder
- Midline shift
- Neglect
- Pain
- Sleepapnea
- Sleep disturbances and CSAS
- Spasticity
- Ventriculomegalia - Enlarged ventricles
- Invisible consequences of brain injury
- Neurofatigue
- Overstimulation caused by brain injury
- Language problems
- Sensory consequences
- Cognitive problems
- Life with Brain Injury
- Information
- Anatomy / Explanation on functions
- Biorhythm and biological clock
- Brain scans explained
- General Information about Brain Injury
- Test to recognize Brain Injury
- Encyclopedia Brain Injury
- Neurological examination
- Neuropsychological examination
- Recognizing brain injury
- Recovery possible?
- Back to work
- Prevention - a healthy brain
- Download page
- Links
- About us - Our mission