Occupational therapist
We approached two occupational therapy practices with the question:
"What can an occupational therapist do for someone with a brain injury or for the caregiver?"
The first practice we interviewed was 'Ergotherapie Gooi en Omstreken' where an occupational therapist from the practice gave us the following answer:
People with acquired brain injury may have problems in the family, with the household, at work, during sexuality and intimacy, with their social network, with their physical condition, with their behavior and personality, with their emotions and energy.
Often the most obvious actions are difficult and one can only process one stimulus at a time and preferably in a quiet environment.
Washing, dressing, cooking, shopping, gardening, traveling, working or structuring daily activities. It can all lead to considerable frustration, because it no longer goes as it used to.
An occupational therapist will work on these types of problems, with the aim of maintaining or regaining the greatest possible degree of self-reliance, satisfaction and independence in daily life.
Our practice always guides people with brain injuries in their home situation. The great advantage of this is that people are observed in their own environment and trained in a task-oriented manner. Scientific research shows that this greatly increases self-reliance.
In addition, treatment at home has a positive effect on the social and societal participation of clients and offers the opportunity to involve the partner as well.
Cognitive rehabilitation
Cognition concerns the brain functions that are necessary for perceiving, thinking, remembering knowledge and applying and understanding this knowledge in a good way.
See our page on cognition.
In cognitive rehabilitation by an occupational therapist, the treatment is aimed at:
- Providing information about the functioning of the brain and the brain injury in relation to daily activities that are different than before the brain injury
- Practicing the cognitive skills that determine functioning to see if these skills can improve
- Learning compensation strategies for the disorders that no longer recover
- Learning to apply compensation strategies in the daily activities that are important to the client
The occupational therapist guides the client in:
- relearning to perform tasks
- planning daily activities
This is done through training and learning compensation and strategy techniques. Many people with brain injuries have stopped working or work significantly fewer hours.
As a result, they sometimes fall into a hole. Clients fill their day with small chores, gardening and hobbies, but that does not always provide sufficient satisfaction. This can even lead to depression.
Therefore, attention has to be paid to meaningful daytime activities, adapted to the individual's capabilities.
For one person, this is a new hobby, for another volunteer work or even a (partial) return to the old workplace.
More connection with society is good for self-image and self-respect. Moreover, it has a positive effect on health.
Use of tools
Sometimes it is useful to (start) using taals that make it easier to perform practical tasks. There is a wide range of aids, such as adapted cutlery, an adapted cookbook, writing aids, an adapted bicycle, a cutting board suitable for one-handed use, etc.
The occupational therapist can discuss with the patient whether such an aid is recommended for him or her.
If an aid needs to be requested from the municipality or health insurer, we can help the patient submit the application, if necessary substantiated with an occupational therapy report.
Instruction and guidance of caregivers and relatives
Involving the partner and/or other family members in the treatment of people with brain damage also deserves a lot of attention.
Partners often struggle with nervousness, fatigue, depressive feelings, feelings of guilt and helplessness. They spend less time on 'the nice things in life' and have given up activities outside the home. This often puts a lot of pressure on the relationship. The occupational therapist offers support in the form of advice, instructions and practical tips.
Support for returning to current or other work
When clients with brain damage (want to) return to their current job or need to look for a new position, the occupational therapist can provide support. Together with the patient, the possibilities and possible alternatives are examined.
More information:
Occupational Therapy Practice Ergotherapie Gooi en Omstreken
The second practice we interviewed is a practice that provides online help or via video calling. They are called Ergotherapie online.
Their answers below:
'Ergotherapie Online' offers the treatment completely digitally by means of video calling, such as skyping and in an online treatment environment. This means that you can receive the treatment at the place where you feel comfortable, you can have more frequent contact with the therapist and that you can easily read the shared information again later.
Occupational therapy and cognitive rehabilitation therapy
People can be referred to an occupational therapist for various forms of brain injury and in all phases of the disease process. The common characteristic is that they experience a problem with action or that the social environment signals a problem with action.
Especially when there are ‘invisible complaints’ after brain injury, it is good to know that the therapist is specialized in these consequences. Ergotherapie Online is trained in cognitive rehabilitation therapy.
Cognitive rehabilitation therapy is aimed at regaining cognitive skills that have been limited, changed or lost as a result of brain damage. The therapy includes relearning skills, learning to apply strategies and learning to use external resources.
Based on the clinical picture in combination with the current level of functioning, the therapist gains insight into how best to practice. For example, one person may be satisfied with just an explanation of a strategy and then apply it well everywhere, while for another it is better to practice during treatment.
Practicing strategies
Different types of strategies can be applied to various types of ‘invisible consequences’.
Think of tidying up first, then doing, planning in advance, creating contrast, using mnemonics and much more.
An occupational therapist has access to many of these types of strategies and will work with the patient to find out which ones are most suitable for his or her situation.
I believe that only a few people learn to apply strategies from paper or an information folder and that this needs to be practiced. It is about a behavioral change that is not easy. An occupational therapist can help with this.
Ergotherapie Online also offers treatment to caregivers. Caregivers are often just as hard hit by brain damage to their loved one and have a lot to deal with. Treatment can consist of the following topics:
- Information about the disease
- Dealing with the consequences and changes
- Handles for activities or exercises that you could do together.
- Strategies to limit stress and overload
- How can you stimulate and support your partner/family member as best as possible in the disease process.
Return to work
Returning to work is a frequently heard milestone.
Occupational therapy can be very important in this. An occupational therapist often has a good idea of the consequences of the complaints on your daily life.
This is especially important when returning to work. After all, you want to perform at work but also at home.
Coaching, information and advice to employers and the team about brain injury and the consequences is also possible with us.
More information: www.ergotherapieonline.nl